The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Age: 33
Sex: Male (Formerly Female)
Profession: Rogue / Curious Wanderer
Body Type: Slender
Appearance: This slender and gorgeous elven figure is the first anyone notices upon any glance. Her curiosity shows through more and more as people get to know her and although she's alone in the world, it doesn't determine her demeanor towards any peoples she meets.
Background: (Diary page from the 26th Day of Tevet:)
I'm sitting here trying to write in the light thats left from our campfire, everyone else is sleeping. Thankfully, I don't want them to see me at a vunerable state. I won't lie, I am a bit scared about what is waiting for us behind these next two doors. In case I die, I decided to write out my life history, if someone is to stumble upon my dead body they will know who I am.
My name is ZoLanda. Do not ask me of my last name because I don't know what it is, or if I even have one. You see I was born 18 years ago in the small town of Korvosa. My mother Elizabeth died during childbirth, so my father Thomas was left to care for me alone. He did so the best he could.
Father used to tell me stories about Mother, he told me how graceful and pretty she was. It was her dream to have children, and they tried for many years without much luck. Then she became pregnant with me. Father said that she was thrilled, but childbirth proved to be too much for her body. Father promised Mother that he would raise me to be a strong woman....
He taught me at a very early age how to defend myself. He made a bow and some wooden arrows for me to practice with. We would take small adventures in the woods that lay behind our small home. Father always had me practice on animals, and if we were lucky we would have dinner that night. This was our ritual every day for the next 7 years.
Shortly after my 8th birthday Father became ill, and could no longer care for me, so I was sent to the small orphanage set in the middle of town. The building was made of stone, and I remember always being cold. During the day after doing my chores I went out on adventures like my father and I used to. One day I had stumbled upon some ruins, it really looked like a run down temple of some kind. I was courious and decided to enter and see what fate would bring to me. Only it was as empty inside as it was outside. It was dark and damp, except for this one little spot where the sun shone through the cracks in the stone. This was my favorite spot.
I would spend hours pretending to slay dragons, and saving my towns people. I would climb to the top of the stone walls and fire my arrows into the open space below. One of those days my arrow just kept going down. It went right through the floor, I had to investigate and retrieve my arrow.
This is where I fould the staircase, there was no light so I had to really focus my eyes to see what was in front of me, that's when I heard a click and fell through the floor. After I came to, I noticed that I must have fallen 20 feet down, and there was no way for me to get back out. All I could do was walk forward and look for my own way out. I will never forget that walk. Every 30 feet or so I kept running into these traps. Thankfully as the years progressed and with much practice I was able to sence when these unruly traps were coming and I was able to disable them.
As I got older I figured that these traps were trying to keep me from finding whatever it was that was being protected. I just HAD to figure out this mystery. I came to a very large door, I tried to open it but it was locked. It looked as if no one has been here for many years so I knelt on the ground and tried to pick this lock. It took me 7 days to open that door, however, I never did find what was being protected.
Finding that I now had the knowledge of picking locks I would practice at the orphange. The ladies of the house were not too happy with me when they found me in their office going through their papers. This is how I found my father had died only three short months after I arrived to the orphange. I was upset that they had failed to share that bit of news with me, so when the ladies weren't looking, I slipped their office key into my pouch, and took the girls one by one to see their papers. This is how my thievery began. I only stole when it would do some good. Which as it turns out, was quite a few times.
On my 18th birthday I was told by the ladies that I was too old to stay at the orphange and had to leave. I was saddened by this but still packed what little belongings I had and started to make my way East. I came across some bandits and they tried to steal what I had. This was the first time I had killed anything other than an animal. I was so hungry and tired, and here these men come attacking me, I had to protect myself.
Finally what seemed like weeks I came across this town of Kalimdor, I wandered inside and found a merchant selling bread, I just took it and ran to an alley and ate my bread, when some ranger found me, and took me in. This is when my life was turned upside down, and how I got to be here, in a spinx's head!
"Demon Slayer of Mendev"