The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Name: Vin
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Profession: Priestess / Royal Family
Body Type: Slender
Appearance: Elegant and pronounced as one would expect of a Royal family member, Vin is quick witted and bright. The eyes speak of understanding and wisdom beyond her years. Her face is framed in blood red hair over fair skin and a graceful demeanor.
Background: Vin was born as the only child of King Von Tyrnan and Queen Casdra in the city of Solhaven. Her childhood consisted mostly of learning the etiquette of royalty, how to speak well, act, and other things that bored the piss out of her. Her mother however, being a priestess of Iomedea took Vin under her tutelage and Vin soon became an apprentice priestess. Her father, a proud warrior, spent his free time teaching her the ways of combat, and strategy. In her free time, instead of playing, Vin sought out the royal blacksmith and convinced him to teach her his skills.
At 17 years of age Vin was witness to a horrible battle as swarms of undead tried to invade Solhaven. Watching from the ramparts of the castle, she feared the swarms would overwhelm the brave soldiers of her kingdom. Stealing away down to the armory, she donned some armor and picked up a sword and shield. Making her way down to the battle, she succeeded in helping suppress the undead.
After what seemed an eternity, the undead suddenly fell as a pure white light shone down on Solhaven. Recognizing the sign as the presence of a godly power, Vin knelt and immediately began her prayers of thanks. When she opened her eyes she was on a field of an ancient battle and standing before her was Iomedae herself. Speechless, Vin could only gaze in awe at the awesome power and glory of the Goddess. With a touch on Vin's cheek, Iomedae told Vin that she had made the Goddess proud with her loyalty and bravery with the battle that transpired.
When Vin woke she was in her chambers. Her mother and father looked upon her with a mixture of awe, fascination, and reverence. Looking into a mirror, Vin saw her golden hair had changed to a deep red, almost that of blood. Around her neck hung the silver holy symbol of Iomedae. After several days of speaking on her experience, Vin's parents knew their daughter was destined to go out on her own and do Iomedae's will.
Reluctantly, they set her off to travel and explore with the promise that the throne will be hers upon her return. Saying her farewells, Vin packed her things and set off to distant lands with only her devotion and skills she learned as a child to see her through the perilous years to come.
Vinatta Von Tyrnan
"Demon Slayer of Mendev"

Diary Entries:
From the Diaries of Vin
After defeating the beholder, my party encountered an assassin, unfortunately before we could kill him, he retreated. We followed but eventually lost his track by a river just outside the city. Knowing he was mortally wounded, we opted to spend the night outside the city. Sometime in the night, Hinge was killed. Why, we don't know. We made a nice grave for him, one that I sanctified. I remember feeling completely exhausted and much older than I was. Suzie was wishing to go back to the woods where she belonged, and Zolandan went off to find some answers in his life. With nothing else to do other than try to out run the Black Hand, I made my way back to Solhaven.
News traveled quickly, and every city, town, village, and outpost seemed to know me by looking at me. Parties were held in my honor, people begged for "the Queen of Solhaven" to bless their children and kiss their babies. At first I felt like all the attention would be the cause of my death from the Black Hand, however it seems more then a few of the Holy Order were more than eger to escort me to the shores of Solhaven. Once outside my city, I could hear the trumpets sounding my return and the whole country seemed to light up in jubilee. Removing my helm, I savored the sight of the crimson and red pennants flying from the towers of my city. With my spirits finally lifting, I thanked my escort and slowly crossed the bridge to my home.
The streets were packed with people, just like all the others, but these streets were packed with MY people, the people I fought and crusaded for. I noticed that though they were clearly happy for my return, they also viewed me with much more respect. I was no longer just an heir to the throne, I WAS the throne, and the people kept my path clear so I may claim it. My parents met me at our castle where I turned around and gave the people another wave before heading indoors. Once inside, my parents and I hugged, kissed and cried. It felt so good to be home.
Three days the festivities in the city and around the country lasted, day and night, the sounds of joyful merriment was everywhere. I placed the shield of Harmon Grey in a place of honor above the throne, as a reminder of my adventures. My armor I keep near the throne as well. As for my sword, it is always on me, as is my glove which hides it. After talking with my parents, we took money from the treasury and paid the Black Hand to remove the contract on my head. Once done, the third day after my arrival, my parent placed the crown on my head.
With my findings from my travels, supplemented by the treasury, I build a private shrine to Iomedae behind the throne...accessed by a secret door. I also had a temple built in the city to Iomedae. It is a beautiful temple, with a small shrine just outside it's doors. The shrine has a small altar, with dice, cards, a set of lockpicks, and other items for the gambling profession, along with a picture of Hinge carved into a slab of polished ebonwood. He was a pain in my ass, but I miss his mischief.
My life as queen is busy. In the morning, I have breakfast, then I don some leathers and a practice sword and shield and spar with the troops of my army. They seem to enjoy the new things I teach them from my travels, plus I believe a good way to gain the respect and trust of your troops is to work with them. After sparring, I head to the city and chat with the people. I also make note of things I want fixed. This keeps the city in good repair, keeps morale up, and it keeps my carpenters and stone workers busy and employed. After my walk about, I head back to the castle for an open audience session. This allows the people to bring concerns to me directly, and in turn allows me to get the discrepancies fixed in a more timely manner. In the evening after dinner, I go to my private sanctuary pray to Iomedae before I head to bed.
I do enjoy my new life, but I can't help but want to go back out there in the world and go adventuring again. My parents have seen it, as have my advisors, and they all told me I can go if I wish. But, I have no reason to leave other then my own selfisness at this point. Should a higher calling reach my ears, my armor, weapons, and shield are all in excellent repair and ready to go.....