The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Hair Color: Red
Background: (From a page of her diary)
8th day of Abadius
Today I have travelled to Sandpoint from my hometown of Ushwood. It's been a long journey, but one that is much needed. I come from a long line of Rangers, and my family has trained me as such. Problem is, I'm not sure I want to follow the same path. My father has sent me away to find myself. He said that I would know if being like my family is my true destiny when the time comes. So here I now stand in the town center of Sandpoint, a long way from home.
I look at the bulletin seeking work so that I can continue with my travels, and come across a mission. "Why aren't the ships returning to port?" I decide to check it out and am told to be back before day break. I head to a tavern and sleep for the night, only to wake before the sun has risen. I stock up on a couple bottles of wine. I've always loved the taste of it. I grab my gear and head down to the port. I see a few people boarding the boat and decide to head in. The Captian hasn't said too terribly much, Just that we need to figure out why the ships aren't returning to port. He takes a swig of what seems to be Whiskey and offers me a sip, which I take. I feel the warm liquid go straight to my stomach. What a good feeling.
Here I meet my party. Looks to be two other humans, and a half elf. One is rather large and seems to lack some intelligence. Royke I think his name is. The other is rather peculiar. His hair is white as snow, with grey eyes and a strange golden tint to his skin. He is a magic maker. A sorcerer of some type. He calls himself Scyllar, the other; Tullie, she's a healer. Thanks to her I am able to write this entery now....
During this mission our captain has become too drunk to steer the boat, so I take over. Only to realize that another large ship is heading straight for us. I quickly recognize the flag. "God damnit, it's Orcs!" I mutter to myself. I tell Royke to drop ancor (into the water) and weild my sword. Orc's are my sworn enemy, and I must kill them. They stop their ship next to ours, and I find that Royke and Scyllar have disappeared below deck. Meanwhile Tullie and I are fighting off the Orc's that have come aboard our boat. Suddenly I feel a blast coming from our side, and notice that the Orc's ship has a gaping hole near the water line. Royke and Skyllar are firing off cannons! To make a long story short we sank their ship, but in the aftermath, the damage to our boat is quite noticeable.
No is now in the water. Scyllar and Tullie start mending the mast, off in the distance we see a ship heading for us a again. They stop next t us, out pops a Gnome, but in Royke's haste he decides to shoot him with his crossbow. Needless to say...They take off. Scyllar tries to flag them down to come back while I try to show Royke how to row. It turns out that he is much stronger than I, and we go no where. Finally after some time, the ship is moving again. Our Mast has been restored, and we are on our way. Here we encounter two giant crabs, which Scyllar, Tullie and I slaughter....Oh, it seems dinner is finished. Until my next adventure!
Signed: Bella Crosgrove
Bella Crosgrove