The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Rayna Payne
Race: Vishkayna
Sex: Female
Age: ?
Appearance: A Vishkanya's flesh is made up of fine scales that from a distance of even a few feet look just like particularly smooth skin. These scales are usually a single dark color, although some of them have complex patterns like stripes or even spirals. A vishkanya's tongue is forked like a serpent's tongue, and its eyes lack visible pupils.
Background: Rayna hails from the Eastern Kingdoms where feudal lords constantly fought each other for power. She was born and raised into a secret underground world where she was trained as a ninja since childhood. Though she was born mute, her sensei quickly picked up on her supernatural ability to see into the future. For many years he trained her to hone her skills with weapons, reading, writing and trying to understand her strange visions she sometimes receives when she meditates. To determine if she had the resolve to make it in the secret order to become a ninja, her and two of her peers were sent on a local mission to eliminate one of the feudal lords. The other two took off in a hurry, but Rayna stayed back and meditated. Her vision showed the other two would eventually fall, but not before they eliminated many of the guards. Trusting in her vision she slowly waited till 2 hours before sunrise, when the guards were weary and tired from fighting the other two. She easily slipped past the guards and climbed the roof of the building her target was in. Drilling a hole into the roof with a sai, she saw her target sound asleep. She dropped a piece of thread from the hole to the victim's mouth and added a couple drops of poison to the tread. Patiently she waited and watched as the poison slid down the thread to drop into the lord's mouth. The poison worked quickly and the Lord sat up in bed coughing violently to the point he was spitting up blood before finally falling back dead. As guards came into the room she quickly made her escape from the building and returned home.
Upon returning her sensei already knew of her success from the scouts that were sent ahead to make sure of the fates of the trainees. The ceremony to full ninja awarded her a masterwork Katana, a cloak of resistance, and a ring of sustenance After the ceremony was completed, her sensei gave her a grain of rice with one word written on it, "Riddleport." Knowing her destination she swallowed the grain of rice and made her way to Riddleport where she awaits orders for her next mission.