The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Harmon Grey
(Recently Seen Here Travelling Westward)
Age: 4--?
Sex: Male
Profession: Missionary Paladin/Bard
Body Type: Snugly Shrewd
Appearance: This old man, who is very hard to understand because of his goatee and failing physique, seems like he should not be wearing the large suit of full plate armor he always seems to don very quickly. On one hand he seems to have great knowledge, but as soon as people hear him speak the mind goes more towards crazy old man. Although his eyes seem very tired on a regular basis, they also tell of some past circumstances not most have seen. His skin is weathered, but if one can catch a glimpse quick enough, one can tell of the small smirk he rarely shows.
Background: Harmon's early years are a mystery to most, but the people of Port Shanty and Kalimdor know him as a very good story-teller. In recent years however, his fans and followers have left due to his increasing slurs and convenient disappearance timing. His mentor however had a suit of high quality armor made just for him, and Harmon has kept it close to himself like his own father gave it to him. The Mayor of Port Shanty had him named Justice of the people years ago, and bestowed upon him an elegant shield made by an old traveling blacksmith. Since the days that Harmon acquired the shield however, the people have mostly left his confidence. Most shunned him as crazy or having lost his marbles altogether and didn't want to be around him at all. His ramblings of travels long past and wild stories of deities and demigods at war spooked mos. He eventually became victim to attacks and left his home with a group of travelers and then disappearing near the area of Kalimdor.
Recent Sightings: Seen recently traveling through the eastern wastes near the world wound, Harmon has been much of a mystery to those around him. His friends often note of Harmon's apparent determination in ridding the world of an apparent demon by the name of Goriath. Other travels have overheard conversations from Harmon stating that one day either He or Goriath will die a horrible death for the wrongs he has done to him.
Of other note: Vinata Von Tirnan was sighted with the Original Justice shield of Palor that Harmon was awarded many years ago for upstanding service to the god of light. The shield is now a relic of the old religions.
Justice Harmon Grey (Retired)