The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"

Goggles of Night Owl

Watch of Direction
Welcome to the wondrous wizard's modification and enchantment shop. Below are some common items Perth makes regularly and has in stock. Custom items are also available upon request, though prices may vary. Feel free to look!
A Contemporary piece built by gnomish master tinkerers and imbued with the "Know Direction" spell which can be used three times a day.
Price: 600gp
Goggles useful in day or night allow the user at night to see in complete darkness as per the "Darkvision" ability, and during the day give a +5 bonus to perception.
Price: 15,000gp
A simple and non-descrip ring that is very useful for all travelers alike as once per day it can summon a riding mount to you as per the spell "Mount" that lasts for 8 hours. This ring is close to sold out, so be sure to reserve yours today!
Price: 1,400gp
Popular among the younger generation, these boots allow the wearer the ability to move without trace, leaving no tracks behind. Excellent for woodsmen and thieves alike.
Price: 10,000gp

Ring of Mount

Boots of Anti-tracking
"Perth's Personals"
Magical Modification Shop

Bottle Of
This green glass bottle has a tiny winding key on its elongated stem that, if turned, causes a shadowy cork to slowly become substantial over a 1-round period. Anything the owner of the bottle speaks into the bottle during this time (up to 25 words) gets trapped inside it once the cork fully manifests. As soon as the cork is removed or the bottle is smashed, this message is released exactly as if the owner had spoken the words at that moment. Once the bottle releases its message, it shatters.
Price: 300gp

Bead of Newt Prevention
This bead is carved with a tiny pictogram representing a small, harmless animal such as a newt, rabbit, or frog. If the bearer fails a saving throw against a hostile polymorph effect such as baleful polymorph, the bead is destroyed and the effect does not affect the bearer.
Price: 1,000gp

The surface of this stick of white chalk is covered with silvery runes. Drawing a line with the chalk creates a wall of force that is as long as the line and extends 10 feet perpendicular to the surface on which the line was drawn. Drawing a 5-foot line is a standard action that provokes acts of opportunity. Each wall lasts 10 minutes; the bearer of the chalk can dismiss a section of wall as a swift action by touching the stick of chalk to it. One stick of boundary chalk can draw 100 feet of line before it is used up, and it must be used in 5-foot increments.
Price: 10,000gp

Chimes of Opening
A chime of opening is a hollow mithral tube about 1 foot long. When struck, it sends forth magical vibrations that cause locks, lids, doors, valves, and portals to open. The device functions against normal bars, shackles, chains, bolts, and so on. A chime of opening also automatically dispels a hold portal spell or even an arcane lock cast by a spellcaster of lower than 15th level.
Price: 3,000gp

This delicate tin music box can produce a great volume of noise at a specific time determined by its owner. Four command words determine what sorts of sounds it
is to play (battle, fire, massacre, or riot), and a fifth determines the delay (anywhere from 1 round to 20 minutes) until the box begins to produce the desired sound. The noise from the box is as loud as 40 people. The sound persists for 2d6 rounds.
Price: 2,000gp