The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"

Race: Cat-Folk
Sex: Male
Profession: Cat Burglar and Pathfinder Initiate
Within the trees of the Screaming Jungle are a small yet tight-knit band of cat-folk The members of the tribe call themselves the "Ranisha," which translated to common simply means "Six Claw." Born to the tribe was a young cub named Zohan. As with most of the cat-folk tribe, Zohan was raised by any and all adults available. While his dexterity and cunning was immediately prevalent he lacked in wisdom, raw strength, and magical talent. Wishing to improve the raw talents of Zohan the elder tribe members began to shape and mold him into a nimble "cat burgler." His talents were mostly used to sneak into villages and steal things such as steel and tools needed by the tribe to create weapons and other basic items.
Once considered an adult, the elders saw he was very restless and spent many nights away from the tribe. Knowing it would be wrong to suppress Zohan's curiosity, the elders gave him their blessing to leave the tribe with the promise he would always be welcome back. He was gone within the hour.
After several days of travel, (away from the villages he stole from), Zohan came to a large city where he was quickly approached by the local thieve's guild. The guild saw Zohan's potential and used it wisely, always teaching him new tricks of the trade. Soon Zohan realized this was his destiny and sought out new and even more dangerous challenges. After arriving in Absalom he decided to perform on the streets for chump change, but that wasn't the only reason. While performing he kept his keen senses open to the whispering of the crowd and learned more about the Pathfinder Society than he did as an aspiring member. Enjoying the intricacies of the crowed he vowed to become a master spy and to one day be a member of the Decemvirate.