The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Strange days are afoot in Riddleport as an inexplicable
shadow hovers in the sky over the city, attracting scholars and
mystics to divine its meaning. Yet for most of Riddleport’s
citizens, the shadow’s significance, known locally as “The
Blot,” is fleeting. Life continues on the streets of Riddleport,
and at a local game tournament held at the Gold Goblin
Gambling Hall, the adventurers find themselves thwarting an
attempted heist, after which they are offered employment by
its owner, Saul Vancaskerkin. Working for their new boss in
exchange for an ownership interest in the game hall, the adventurers
find themselves striving to quash attempts to undermine
the Gold Goblin as well as protect its interests as they seek to
turn around the struggling establishment financially. This
culminates in a massive raid on the game hall, apparently
conducted by the corrupt government of Riddleport in
order to shut down the building. Throughout these events,
phenomena of ever-increasing strangeness occur, seemingly
tied somehow to the shadow over Riddleport.
Finally, Vancaskerkin reveals to the party that he
uncovered a plot between local crimelords and corrupt
government officials to eradicate the Gold Goblin and
its owners once and for all. He provides the adventurers with the
location of a meeting between these conspirators in the
city’s flooded dumping grounds. The adventurers set off to thwart
this plot and unmask the individuals behind it only to
be warned of the ambush at the last minute by a strange
wild elf from a distant land. Turning the attack on the
ambushers, the adventurers learn that their employer is actually
behind the treachery in an attempt to eliminate them
from the partnership.
Second Darkness Part I:
Shadow In The Sky
Where on Golarion?
Second Darkness Takes it's place in and around the city of Riddleport. Riddleport is the third-largest city in Varisia and is a haven for pirates and sea-faring brigands, who find themselves far to the north of the Arch of Aroden. Teeming with criminals and rogues of all kinds, Riddleport is full of potential danger and hard-to-avoid intrigue. Also known as the City of Cyphers, Riddleport takes its name from the Cyphergate, a giant stone arch spanning the natural cove around which the city is built. It is covered on both sides with ancient Thassilonian symbols, although their exact meaning is unknown.