The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Scyllar and his brother Roike were born to a tribe of barbarians. Their fates were to become a part of the new generation of fearsome warriors. One day as the tribe was traveling across the lands to new hunting and training grounds, Scyllar got seperated from the group by following a faint whisper in his mind. The whisper led young Scyllar further and further into the woods until he came across a clearing in the forest. Curious, he stepped closer to the clearing and felt what seemed like a barrier touch his skin. In an instant the barrier shimmered and allowed him through.
To Scyllar's amazement, once he crossed through the barrier a large golden dragon was there waiting for him. The dragon beckoned him to fight his fears and stay. He told Scyllar that he felt him and called to him. The dragon pierced Scyllar's mind and showed him the potential he held, for Scyllar had magic in his veins. The dragon promised Scyllar he would help unlock the power of magic. He would mold and guide Scyllar as his teacher.
Scyllar accepted and spent the rest of his young life living and learning with the dragon. Soon Scyllar was able to harvest his powers and bend them to his will. Scyllar also learned the values of gems and their potential to hold magic through the dragon's hoarde. Eventually the dragon sent Scyllar on his way to make his own way in the world.
Scyllar made his way to a town, though the people looked at him like he was some sort of freak. Curious as to the reactions of the people towards him, he sought out a mirror and to his astonishment found that his dark hair had turned pure white, his green eyes now looked almost reptilian and were silver, and his skin turned from a deep tan to a golden sheen. Eventually he made his way to a bigger town where oddities were accepted and was taken on as an apprentice jewelsmith. On his off time, he would run the streets and eventually picked up some skills from the local rogues, they also taught him the joys of gambling....