The Arcane Arca
"Where Secrets Are Stored In Magic"
Pathfinder Society
- Members/Allies -
Venture-captain Ambrus Valsin runs the daily operations of the Grand Lodge at the Decemvirate's command. Meticulous with details and annoyed by inefficiency, Ambrus makes a point to supervise all important duties within the Grand Lodge, and keeps a long list of relatively safe but time-consuming jobs on file, ready to hand out to rookie Pathfinders to keep them busy and out of the way of more experienced agents. Tall and meticulously groomed, Ambrus doesn't appreciate backtalk and reserves particularly strenuous assignments for those who annoy him.
Ambrus Valsin
- Venture Captain - Grand Lodge Leader -

Ambrus Valsin
Titles Venture-Captain
Chamberlain of the Grand Lodge
Alignment Lawful neutral
Race/Species Human
Class Rogue 4 / Sorcerer 6
Gender Male
Homeland Absalom
Organization Pathfinder Society
Guaril Karela is a well connected
Sczarni who has his hands in as many pots as
Absalom can provide. Based out of such a bustling city,
Karela keeps his eyes on the harbor and what valuable
items cross its docks. While friendly enough if you’re
on his good side, this thin Varisian man has a face that
always seems to be sneering, often tilting his mustache
like the animated hands of a clock.
Guaril Karela
- Sczarni Leader -
Guaril Karela
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Race/Species Human (Varisian)
Class Rogue 11
Gender Male
Homeland Varisia (But resides in Absalom)
Organization Sczarni
Guaril Karela is the mastermind behind all Sczarni activity in and around Absalom. Due to the importance of Absalom, Guaril tends to be overproud of his position. Despite any delusions of grandeur he may have, he keeps a low profile working the counter at the Pickled Imp, his curio shop in the Docks.
Ollysta Zadrian
- Silver Crusade Leader -
Ollysta Zadrian began her career as a Pathfinder hoping to spread the faith of Sarenrae throughout the world as she adventured, but soon became disillusioned when she found the Pathfinder Society too restrictive. After retiring from the society, she began the Silver Crusade, which operates out of the Temple of the Shining Star in Absalom's Ascendant Court, an organization of followers of good-aligned deities who hope to use the Pathfinder Society's resources to do good in the world.

Ollysta Zadrian
Alignment Lawful good
Race/Species Human
Class Paladin 10
Gender Female
Homeland Absalom
Deity Sarenrae
Organization Silver Crusade
- Osirion Leader -
Amenopheus is a member of the elite Jeweled Sages of Osirion, some of the world's most adept spymasters. Though the Jeweled Sages were disbanded when the Keleshite invaders took over their desert empire centuries ago, Amenopheus claims to trace his blood to the line of the astrologers of antiquity.
The Sapphire Sage is serving as the advisor to Drendhet Salhar, an obese Osirian noble who sits on the Grand Council of Absalom, but the truth is that Salhar is but one of many pawns in Amenopheus's hand. Many claim that Amenopheus was a member of the Pathfinder Society in his youth before returning to his homeland when The Ruby Prince took the throne and restored the ancient Jeweled Sages to their former place at their ruler's side. Assigned to Absalom by the Prince to oversee the shadow war for control of the metropolis, Amenopheus runs an intricate and secretive web of agents who work to outwit their rivals. Some rumors are more extreme than a youth of adventuring, however, and some claim to have seen ancient Osirian tapestries depicting a man advising the pharaohs who resembles Amenopheus too closely to not be the same man. These whispers naturally lead to assumptions that he is in fact the original Sapphire Sage brought from his uncovered tomb to once again serve his nation.
Although not a member of the Pathfinder Society, Amenopheus recognized the threat posed by the rogue Shadow Lodge cells as a threat to his faction. In response, he posed as a traitor in order to infiltrate the treacherous elements and bring the subversion to the attention of the Decemvirate

Alignment Neutral
Race/Species Human (Garundi)
Class Wizard 13
Gender Male
Homeland Osirion
Zarta Dralneen
- Cheliax Leader -
Paracountess Zarta Dralneen is a beautiful Chelish woman who serves as diplomatic envoy to Absalom. Although cultured and refined, Dralneen is a master manipulator who uses her charms and diabolical power to her advantage. Her loyalties lie with House Thrune, although rumours persist that her machinations have yet to bear significant gains for her patrons and that her favour with them is slipping.
Zarta is infamous throughout the Absalom upper class for her excessive 'parties'. It is often during these hedonistic events that Zarta uncovers secrets from her guests.
She owns several houses around Absalom but commonly resides in a three-story, gothic townhouse in the Ivy District.

Zarta Dralneen
Titles Paracountess
Alignment Lawful evil
Race/Species Human
Class Aristocrat 4/ Bard 8
Gender Female
Homeland Cheliax (residing in Absalom)
Amara Li
Titles Venture-Captain
Alignment Neutral
Race/Species Human (Tian)
Class Bard 10
Gender Female
Organization Pathfinder Society

Amara Li
- Venture Captain - Lantern Lodge Leader -
Among the newest Venture-Captains of the Pathfinder Society, Amara Li originates from the bustling city of Goka. Respected for her gracefulness, poise, and cleanliness, Amara Li is also known for her perfectly executed tea ceremonies.
Rumours circulate of personal financial problems that trouble Amara, although she considers discussing such matters to be "improper" and refuses to discuss them. Gossip also suggests that her money problems have prompted her decision to increase cooperation between the Inner Sea region and Tian Xia.

Colson Maldris
Race/Species Human (Taldan)
Class Fighter 5 / Steel Falcon 5
Gender Male
Homeland Andoran
Organization Eagle Knights
Colson Maldris
- Andoran Leader -
Major Colson Maldris of the Andoren Eagle Knights is the most senior member of the organization permanently stationed in Absalom. His position near the Grand Lodge allows Major Maldris an inordinate amount of influence over the Pathfinders within the organization, and he uses this to operate a number of clandestine missions as part of larger Pathfinder Society operations.
Major Maldris was asked by Michellia Blakros to marry her. He rejected her offer, as it would require him to change his name, and forfeit his rank. Due to his involvement with the Society, the Decemvirate was forced to invite the Blakros family to the Grand Convocation taking place at the Grand Lodge, as a way to smooth over the frayed relations between the two organizations.

Aaqir al'Hakam
- Qadira Leader -
Trade Prince Aaqir al'Hakam emigrated from Katheer to Absalom in 4711 AR, where he took over the Qadira of the Pathfinder Society. In short order, he established himself as a cunning economic strategist and mercantile tour de force. He lives in one of his cousin Lady Nymara's many estates in the city—specifically the Merchants' Quarter—with his longtime partner Emir Thalzar Gaatan and their three adopted daughters.
Aaqir al'Hakam is described as a handsome, charming man with clearly Qadiran features. His hair is short and well groomed, and he keeps his face clean shaven
Aaqir al'Hakam
Alignment Neutral
Race/Species Human (Keleshite)
Class Aristocrat 2 / diviner 7 / rogue 3
Gender Male
Homeland Katheer, Qadira (now Absalom)

Grandmaster Torch
Alignment Neutral
Race/Species Human
Class Bardic Sage 6 / Rogue 5
Gender Male
Homeland Absalom
Grandmaster Torch
- Shadow Lodge -
Grandmaster Torch is one of Absalom's most notorious information brokers. While he can most often be found in his lair within the Siphons beneath the Puddles district, he has been known to travel Golarion for research and "business."
Grandmaster Torch is a charming, soft-spoken man in his late-middle years whose entire body is covered in horrible burn scars, borne from a terrible curse. Due to this fact, he is almost always seen soaking in a cool bath, being tended to by servants. His retinue of heavily armored half-orc bodyguards protects him from any harm, though they seem unable to do anything about his constant burned state.

Lady Gloriana Morilla
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Race/Species Human (Taldan)
Class Aristocrat 2 / bard 10
Gender Female
Homeland Taldor
Gloriana Morilla
- Taldor Faction Leader -
Lady Gloriana Morilla is a member of Taldor's thriving noble hierarchy, but she's somewhat less concerned with looking good and throwing a good party than she is with restoring Taldor to its long-lost glory. She knows that the longer the nation rests on its imaginary laurels, the more its influence and gods-decreed dominance slip away from the Grand Prince and his loyal subjects. Lady Gloriana succeeded Baron Jacquo Dalsine as the head of the Taldan faction of the Pathfinder Society in 4711 AR.